I woke up at 3 this morning and couldn’t sleep, so I sat down and started messing with Adobe Illustrator. (I finally did get back to sleep around 5am.) Three or four hours of work later, almost all the straight lines have disappeared, to be replaced by curvy ones:
(Click to see the full version – it’s hard to make out in the small photo.)
This, I might add, would have been prohibitively difficult to do if working on paper – but in Adobe Illustrator, quite feasible. (I wouldn’t say “a snap” – there was quite a bit of drawing, flipping, and rotating involved – but WAY easier to design and adjust than paper patterns.) I’m really excited – I am doing things I had never dreamed were possible!
Now, of course, there’s the ever-present question of whether this will work. Towards that, I will be printing out a sea of pattern pieces today, in between making and testing chocolate flavors, and will try to squeeze in a muslin next week, in between more Chocopalooza prep work.