Our latest offer was accepted! I’m so excited. Househunting has been really stressful – I know it’s supposed to be a buyer’s market, but in our price range and location it’s a seller’s market – lots of bids, mostly over asking price, many all-cash offers from investors. We bid $20K over asking price to beat the cash investors, and succeeded!
It’s an 1100 square foot, 3-bedroom house in Sunnyvale, a mile or two from where we’re living now, and it’s got a two-car garage and a sunny backyard, including a medium size Meyer lemon tree! I love Meyer lemons – we’ve got a baby tree out on the patio – and now we’ll have an abundant supply. And we can garden!
The only problem is that there is a crack and some discoloration on the vinyl flooring in the kitchen – which might be a leaky pipe, which might be expensive enough to fix that it would scuttle the deal. We’re crossing our fingers and hoping the inspection shows it’s stemming from something minor, or something easily repaired.
Now, of course, we have a major scramble ahead. For me, it’s actually a “perfect storm” – work is critically busy for an incredibly important customer visit (I fly out on Monday), and being the project manager in charge, I have a lot of prep work to do. At the same time, Autumn Splendor MUST be done by Sunday. And, I have oodles of arrangements for the house that need to be started immediately – inspections, loans, deposits, etc. (I may well spend a good chunk of Saturday – which I had planned to spend on Autumn Splendor – at a house inspection.) If I don’t lose my mind in the next three days, it will be a miracle.
Off to work on some leaves! If I hustle I might be able to get the third leaf done by the time I have to start dropping stuff off at our agent’s office, on my way to work.
Michelle M Rudy says
Congratulations on the house! Home ownership is a real life change and ultimately a pleasure. You make it your own and sometimes create something that the next owner will love as well. (We are on our third home in about 40 years.) Enjoy the challenge. Seems to me making a house a home is much like creating Autumn Splendor. The making just lasts longer.
My bit of advice—I expect you know that the inspector doesn’t find every problem. And that the seller’s disclosure sometimes isn’t complete. For example, the tile under the carpet in the house we bought in 1997 was a 5% asbestos tile. We’re in the process of taking it up so that we can sell the house with a clear conscience. Look, ask questions, learn.
terri says
congratulations! keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out…
Mary Coburn says
YIPPIE!!!!!!!!! Congrats to you both and I am sending great new house vibes your way, Wee
Sue says
Congrats on the house, and hoping the inspection is passed and all the work falls into place.