The house is almost ours! The funds have been wired into escrow, all the papers have been signed, and it’s just a matter of registering the deeds and disbursing the money. We close escrow on Thursday, and the house will be ours. I can’t wait to get the keys!
We did the walkthrough yesterday. Here’s the “before” photo of my new weaving space:

I cheerfully admit that it needs some work. Well, OK, quite a bit of work, but it is much bigger than our previous garage, so there’s plenty of space to work with, and in the short term it should work just fine for weaving – just add some lights, and it’s a workable space. If I need air conditioning, I can open the garage door a bit for ventilation – it rarely gets above the ’70s or low ’80s in our area so I’m not too worried about the weather. Heating I’ll deal with in a couple of months, probably around September or October. And I may do some repainting to cheer things up a bit. Or maybe not. It’s working space, after all.
Here is my soon-to-be outdoor dye area:

The plan is to put a utility sink between the Meyer lemon tree and the garage door. I’m not quite sure where the tools, table, etc. go – most likely in the shade of the tree, near the front door. Dyes, paints, etc. will live in the garage.
And here is my sewing/indoor crafts area (in schematic – there really isn’t enough room to take photos, and besides, an empty room looks pretty boring):

The tolerances in this layout are down to an inch or so, so I will need to wait until the furniture is actually in the room to see if this will work. If not, I do have some fallback layouts – six of them, to be exact. But I like this one the best, so let’s hope it works!
Creatively speaking, I have woven two more yards of the network-drafted fabric, which brings me up to the CNCH three-yard minimum. I’m going to continue weaving, though, and see how much I can get woven before the deadline. I would like to gift it to a person who sews, and since I’m not sure what it would get used for, I’d like to weave a minimum of eight yards in toto – probably won’t finish all of it before the CNCH entry deadline (May 1 I think), so it might have to be in two pieces.
I’ve also realized that there is considerably less leftover warp than I had thought – maybe six or seven yards left, best guess – so this may well finish off the Infinite Warp, and free up the loom for other things.
I am assuming you know to seal the concrete? Otherwise you will have a good deal of dampness rising and damaging the wood in your loom. Don’t know why I need to share that with YOU, since you seem to have all bases covered, generally, but, you never know. I am thinking about putting some carpet down in the front part of my studio….not really sure WHY except that I have it, sitting up there in the attic. It’s that modular carpeting. I had bought it for my old house just before this one came up and I sold and moved. (Modular is nice if you have pets, since, if there is a REALLY BAD “oops’ you can pull out that section and put down a new one while you either clean the soiled one or throw it out.) It’s so exciting to get a house that really “FITS!” I love it that I can drive a nail in the wall around here without asking somebody’s permission! Nobody can tell me how many pets I can have, where I can put things etc etc etc. Have to kind of laugh at my lifelong-renter’s concept that owning would be cheaper. HO HO…if I cancelled insurance and never repaired anything, MAYBE….
How exciting! Can’t wait to see how you set things up.
I’ve been helping a friend get her new house ready to move into (lining cupboards and painting all the kitchen cabinets). They are also turning the front third of the garage into her work area (she’s an amazing baker). For the floor, they’ll be using one of the epoxy kits, which will look better and be easier to clean up than the unsealed concrete floor would have been. The back 2/3 will become a new master suite eventually.
Thanks for the walkthrough of your new home! For those of us who live at the other end of the country and will never see it in person, it’s a real treat to see pics. Get out that pen and start signing!!! lol