My dye sink arrived! I darted out to the restaurant wholesaler this morning and picked it up before heading off to Drupal Camp at Stanford. (One of my projects at work is being implemented on the Drupal platform, so work sent me to this mini-conference.) I dropped the dye sink off and managed to set it up on my nice new pavers:
You will notice one glaring flaw in the sink design: there are no supports for the drainboard, meaning that the slightest weight on the drainboard will tip over the sink. Mike and I are going to have to create some supports for it before we can really wire up the sink. Bother!
But the sink is here, it’s big enough to take a full dyepot with no trouble, and I like it. It would probably have been less trouble if I’d gotten a plain sink instead of one with a drainboard, but we’ll figure out a way to make it work. And it will be nice to have a drainboard.
I’ve also bought the compost for the garden – fifteen cubic feet of it, to be exact. We’re planning on five 8-9 foot rows – a single row of plants being easier to irrigate than a 4’x8′ bed. We are probably going to do beds eventually, but we just don’t have the time right now. That’s 45 linear feet of row, which is probably way more than enough. Luxury! I’m really going to go to town at the nursery, which has a wonderful selection of veggies this time of year.
Break’s over! Back to learning about Drupal.