I’ve made considerable progress on the Celtic Braid Coat, having reworked the lining, assembled the collar, and basted the cape to the vest. Now I’m considering what button to put on the collar. I have three possibilities:

At the moment I am inclined towards the dotted button (second photo). The first button, while beautiful, calls attention to itself and not to the rest of the cape – the eye gets “stuck” there. The third button (which I admit is hard to see in the photo) doesn’t feel like it belongs, probably because the red isn’t a perfect match and the cross-hatched pattern doesn’t relate to the rest of the garment. The second button, with the red dots, seems to harmonize better – the red is a better match and it echoes the dots of red in the Celtic braid. But I’m still debating it, so would love opinions!
Today’s plan is to work more on the Celtic Braid Coat, and design the structures for katazome. The repeats will be small and I’m going to do my best to keep the number of interlacements the same on each warp thread – which probably means a crepe weave, to add some visual texture without distracting from the image.
could you cover a button with the fabric? frankly, if you can find or make the same red, I’d just use a simple solid colour. Or…how about making button a button to match of polymer clay? or does that seem too “gimmicky?”
Of the buttons you show, I like the second. Would it be possible to not use a button? My preference is for an unadorned stand-up collar. Otherwise, I think Nancy has the right idea in her suggestions.
I’m enjoying your ruminations about creativity, the arts, need for a degree, etc. The Blog of Impossible Things ”is” interesting! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
My first reaction is the second button, the dotted one. Complements the coat but doesn’t call too much attention to itself.
I agree with Terry. I like the compliment of the second button.
I like the idea of no button for the collar. If you feel it really needs a button, a button that matches the other buttons on the garment would be my choice. Or, the dotted button.
Love reading your blog and I learn so much. Thank you. Anyway, the second, dotted button would be best, or if the collar can stand alone, no button. Garment is very beautiful.
Tien, my vote is for the button that matches the other buttons. Somehow the other buttons remind me of a victorian cameo on a high neck blouse. The cape is interesting to look at without the distraction of an additional style element.