I was making mind maps for Phoenix Rising this morning, mostly to serve as examples for my book blog entry on mind maps (which will be published in a week or two). I did a series of three, focusing on a different aspect each time, and hit a “Eureka!” moment with the third one:

(If you can’t read my handwriting, try this version:

The “Eureka!” moment came when I looked at the “What it is” branch of the mind map (bottom left quadrant) and threw up my hands in despair – all these options sounded really interesting, and how could I possibly pick between them all? Not to mention all the different “takes” I could do on the death/rebirth theme, colors, etc.
Then I realized – I didn’t have to! I could work in series, using the same set of materials to do sculpture, garments, wall hangings, and a shawl. This would be a much more efficient use of materials than simply doing a single project, and would allow more variety in tasks, since I wouldn’t be working on a single project at once. For example, I could do a small piece for HGA’s “Small Expressions” exhibit, using scraps from the garment. Or I could design and make a sculpture from the same materials. How about a miniature quilt?
And the best news is that these would make a great set of examples for the book blog.
So Phoenix Rising has expanded from a single piece to a series of pieces in different styles and media. I really like this idea! A great way of having my cake and eating it, too.
Next up: a few more mindmaps elaborating each idea. (But first, I better hop in the shower and get to work!)