Got myself unblocked and finished writing the draft of the book proposal. I’ve sent it out to a couple of writer friends for review (two have already said it looks great), and am waiting for feedback. In the interim, I’ve set the proposal aside for a few days, so I can look at it with fresh eyes this weekend.
After that, I’ll make any needed revisions, format it correctly, and send it out for copy editing. (Speaking of which, I need to find a copy editor, so if you know one, please drop me a line!) After that it will be time to start querying.
It’s a huge relief to have the proposal more or less complete. I’ve been stressed out about writing it for the last month or so – much to the detriment of my work on Phoenix Rising – and having it off my to-do list feels like being released from creative purgatory. Now I can get on with my life! (And I can start answering emails again, which I have not done for the last week or so. If I owe you an email, my apologies, and I will get to it today or tomorrow.)
Other than that HUGE item, not much has been happening. I’ve done some preliminary sketches for Phoenix Rising, but nothing I’m satisfied with. I like the huge skirt from the Dior dress, and the idea of overlapping tiers for the dress, but want to make it more fire-like and more feathery. I think I really need to try draping some ideas. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll have time to do it, now that the book proposal is done!