Short version: I’m looking to talk to people who are well-known designers in their craft – not just fiber arts, but things like jewelry, ceramics, glasswork, etc. (Plus fiber arts, of course – quilting, fashion design, etc.) If you have suggestions for people to talk to, please drop me a line at tien @ (leave out the spaces) – especially if you know that person and would be willing to introduce me.
Longer version: I had a long talk with Rachael Herron of Yarnagogo yesterday. In addition to being a very cool person, she’s a many-times-published writer, and has (among many other things) offered to help me network to find a publisher, which will come in very handy. (Thanks, Rachael!)
Rachael also had a very interesting suggestion. I had explained my concern about the audience appeal of the book – the process applies more or less universally across craft (in my mind anyway), but all my examples are drawn from fiber arts, since that’s what I do. She suggested that I could expand the appeal by including interviews with (and possibly samples from) top artists in different types of craft – so, polymer clay, metal clay, quilting, knitting, ceramics, etc. That would give the book more credibility and diversity – I absolutely love this idea and want to include it in the book. But I need to find these people first. In some cases, I know who they are – but in most cases, I don’t.
So I’m asking for a little help from my readers. I need names of people that you think would be helpful to interview – primarily, designers who are well-known in their craft, and who would be reasonably friendly to approach. If you know someone personally and would be willing to introduce me, that would be even more fantastic. So if you have suggestions, please either leave them in the comments or email me directly at tien @ tienchiu .com (leaving out the spaces). I’m interested in any kind of skilled handicraft – not just fiber arts (though I do want fiber arts as well).
Thanks all!
An artist to consider talking to: April Sproule,
She’s amazingly talented and a delightful person.
Thanks Louise! I’ve added her to my list.
Anita Mayer comes to mind.
Thanks! I think I can get in touch with her via Interweave. I’ll look her up!
Love that you’ve talked to Rachel! She is such a wonderful person.