“But wait!” you say. “What’s going on with Fritz and Tigress, who have been sadly absent for the last few posts?”
Well, despite their pleas to be packed, we couldn’t convince ourselves that they’d really enjoy being tossed around in luggage, or hauled from place to place. So we left them at home, and hired a cat-sitter to come by and take care of them. She’s been having fun playing with them (and feeding them/scooping the litter box of course), and is sending us a continuous stream of cute cat photos to help stave off cat withdrawal symptoms. Some of them are so adorable I just have to share:

There is cute cat video too, of course. Here are Fritz and Tigress chasing a laser pointer:
I think they may actually have more fun when we’re not around!
I first ran into the cat/laser-point phenomenon about 10 years ago. My husband’s youngest son & his wife had two gorgeous Abyssinian cats. As I recall, we both laughed until we wheezed, watching those cats chase the red dot.
I now know a dog (my son & his family’s “golden doodle”–golden retriever/poodle cross) who loves to chase a laser-pointer dot.