Extreme Makeover: Studio is complete! I have finished the Herculean task of reorganizing and cleaning both my indoor studio and the garage studios. This involved moving over 90% of each room’s contents, literally a ton of stuff.
Here are the “before” and “after” photos of the garage:
The indoor studio also got a serious makeover:
Almost 300 pounds of yarn, neatly repackaged and labeled, is hiding behind the green and yellow curtain.
The cats are greatly enjoying the new furniture, as you can see. I thoughtfully provided Fritz the photobombing cat with some important papers to sit on. Meanwhile, Tigress has been enjoying the upper reaches of the shelves, where she found a small package of peacock feathers and gleefully disassembled it (all over the floor, of course). I think we can safely say that the cats are entertained.
So, now that I am done reorganizing, what next?
First, panic. A few days ago, I got a cheery email from the organizers for Complex Weavers Seminars, reminding me that my seminar materials are due on Friday (April 1). Oops. I had completely forgotten that materials are due considerably before the actual seminar presentation, which is in late June. So I have five days to write my presentation. I better get cracking!
After that, I’m planning to figure out what I want to do with my life, work-wise. I’m leaning towards contract work, perhaps combined with part-time regular employment, to keep my schedule flexible. I have a few more months before I need to get serious about producing income, so I’m exploring possibilities and thinking about what kinds of employment would appeal to me. Lots of information interviews going on!
I’m also planning to return to threading and designing for the jacquard loom. I’ve been brainstorming ideas for other pieces on this warp, and will share some of them in the next few days. So watch this space! Exciting things are about to happen.