In between studying up on blog business stuff, I’ve been working on some sketches for more art about bipolar disorder. Here’s this morning’s sketch:

It’s just a sketch at the moment, but I like it a lot, and will be working to develop it into a full-fledged piece over the next few days. It has a lot of similarities to “Bipolar Prison,” but is different enough to be a separate piece. Ideas for improvement welcome, of course! Send me email or comment on this post – I’d love to hear from you.
Most of my time, though, has been spent on a crash course in developing a digital information business. (Which is really what online classes are, though one doesn’t generally think of them that way.) I bought a course called “Blog Mastermind,” about turning a blog into an online business, and have been power-reading through it. This is no small task: the course is made up of six video workshops, and the PDF transcripts for each workshop are each about 150 pages long. Including the bonus material, that’s over 1,000 pages of text! But I have been reading through one workshop a day, and converting each workshop into a mind-map to help me remember the things it covers.
My goal is to finish reading the course and lay out the basic plan for my website/business next week. That’s pretty fast, but I want to get the website up and the first set of class offerings ready by the time the book comes out – which gives me very little time to act. So I have mostly been focusing on that.
I’ve also been working on various forms of book publicity – the most tangible of which is a set of book information cards – basically, business cards designed to sell the book. Here are the front and back of the card I designed:

The QR code leads to a page that isn’t set up yet, but it currently redirects back to the book page on my personal website. I’ll set it up next week.
Off to do more reading! I’m hoping to finish the Blog Mastermind class today.
What would happen if you moved your face off-center, or cropped in close on just a portion of it?
I like that idea, though I may just crop tight in on the head. The trouble with putting it off-center is that I can’t figure out what to balance it with…but cropping sounds really promising. Thanks!
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
Try blurring the face and the letters the lines are too harsh
Thanks! I think they will naturally blur once translated to cloth, though….will have to weave samples to see what I like.
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
What about making the words into arrows or other missiles coming towards the face?