I’ve been working on a new idea, about being stuck in a maze of mental illness. The labyrinth idea is derived from a photo a Facebook friend posted on my timeline. Here’s an embedded version of the photo (click to see the full post – I think you have to be logged into FB to see it, though):
I did a little digging on the Web and found out that this is the “Labyrinth Walk” pattern from Quilt Magazine, April/May 2012 issue, created by Chris Florence, aka The Guilty Quilter. (If you follow the link, you’ll get a photo of the original.)
I love the visual of being lost in a maze – it’s an apt description for the feeling of being in the grips of mental illness. What I’m envisioning is something like this (which I generated on Mazegenerator.net ):

I’d put a face (or perhaps just a pair of eyes, a la “Bipolar Prison”) in the center, and make the walls look three-dimensionalĀ (as in the labyrinth quilt). Depending on what I want to convey, I’ll either make the maze with no exit, and title it “No Way Out” (about how I felt during a six-month bout with bipolar depression), or add an exit, and say something a trifle more uplifting. I’m drawn more towards “No Way Out” (because it feels more authentic) but I hate to create an entire body of work that is so intensely depressing.
(In case you’re wondering why I appear obsessed with art about bipolar disorder lately, it’s partly because it’s a very personal topic for me, but also because I have 20 yards of blue/red/white warp on the loom, which is perfect for the topic. I’m also not sure what I’d do with the warp, otherwise. So I am not obsessed, but taking advantage of/being constrained by a possibility.)
All that will have to wait for awhile, though, as I’m traveling June 8-19 – visiting a friend in Colorado for a week before going to Complex Weavers Seminars, where I’m teaching a seminar about constructing complex liftplans in Photoshop. I’ll also be taking pre-orders for the book, so I am bringing three of these:

These are the printer’s proofs (which I received and sent back on Thursday with no corrections – yay!), and contain the final version of the book. They won’t be for sale, but people will be able to flip through them to get a feel for the book before pre-ordering.
Master Your Craft is now due out a few months earlier than the official publication date – most likely around mid-July. Here’s the link for pre-order. $29.99 + $6.50 shipping in the U.S.; if you live in another country, email me using the link in the sidebar, and I’ll figure out your postage.
I will also be doing a book signing at Convergence – time TBD, but most likely during Thursday’s Midnight Madness shopping extravaganza. I’ll keep you posted!
First choice–blue and maroon on cream background
Second–the original brown and tan (and that was almost first–I find the minimalism to be sophisticated.
The blue and maroon first. The brown and tan second. The orange and blue looks somehow “commercial”.
Best wishes.