The bathrobe is done, and it is GORGEOUS!! It will keep me toasty warm, mentally and physically, all year round:
I’m particularly happy with how the pattern of the reds and oranges came out. Because I sponged on the red at the very top of the scrunched-up bathrobe, the red patches are centered in the most intense patches of orange, like this:
This gives a really nice effect of real fire.
Compare this to the tie-dye towel from my initial experiment:
I tried the paint the lines to fall in the more intense areas of orange, but as you can see, it’s really not the same, and the bathrobe looks way better. Hurray!
The bathrobe inspired me, so last weekend, I hosted a small tie-dye party for some friends. I spent most of the time helping them with their tie-dyes, but took a few moments to make two scrunch-dyed T-shirts for myself – one in fiery colors, like the bathrobe, and another in yellow, orange, and black.
Needless to say, as soon as I laid down the first shirt to take photos, this happened:
I love the T-shirt! You’ll notice how it has much more detailed crinkling than the bathrobe. That’s because it’s a lighter-weight fabric than the bathrobe, so it holds tight wrinkles better – and thus produces a more detailed dye job. Not better or worse, just different.
The second shirt reminded me of Sharon’s comment on the previous blog post – “I think Tigress was born tie-dyed.”
I laid the shirt on the bed and snapped a photo of it next to Tigress. There is definitely a family resemblance between the tie-dyed shirt and Her Royal Highness – though, of course, there is no question about who is more fabulously beautiful!
Of course, if you take a photo of one cat, the other cat must photobomb. It is The Feline Way:
Fortunately (for the human), His Royal Highness was just a moment too late – I had already taken the photo I needed. But I snapped a photo of him anyway, because how could you not take a photo of such utter cuteness?
And then, of course, he got a belly rub, because I have only One Job.
Brenda Herbaugh says
Looks warm and gorgeous colors on all items.
phil lack says
Michelle Rudy says