I am pleased to present, at last: Seasons of Creativity!

It’s hard to make out many details in a photo that small (the actual piece is 28″ x 63″), so I suggest clicking on the small photo to get the full-resolution photo, then zooming in.
Also, here are a few closeups:

And here’s a close-up of some of the butterflies near the end:

The photos, alas, do not really capture the piece. There are subtle color changes in the background, which has speckles of deep coffee brown, then burgundy, eggplant, navy, and finally black, plus glittering rainbow flecks of whatever wefts aren’t weaving on the surface. There is golden glitter in the background on the far left, beneath the brilliant yellow leaves, and there is silver glitter in the background on the far right, beneath the iridescent and sparkly butterflies. None of this, unfortunately, is captured by the camera, though you can get a few glimmers in the close-up.
So…come to Convergence to see it! It will be there, one way or another – if it doesn’t get into the mixed-media exhibit, I’ll bring it as my piece for the teachers’ exhibit.
The official photo shoot is this weekend, and hopefully I’ll have better photos to offer after that. I’ll swap them into this blog post once they’re ready.
Meanwhile, enjoy a few time-lapse photos of the frenzied two weeks I spent weaving Seasons of Creativity (there’s a reason I wasn’t posting anything!):

And, of course, as soon as I finished, I pulled the piece off the loom and spread it out on the bed to take a snapshot to share with you. Which led, inevitably, to this photo:

So apologies for the lengthy hiatus – I had to wait until I could hang it in a cat-free cat-deprived environment to shoot a photo, and those are hard to come by around here! But I hope it was worth the wait.

Give that lady a tiara! you are a true genius!!
That is truly awesome and very beautiful.
Phenomenal! You are an inspiration!
Oh my,,just so beautiful, and I have no idea how you make all those colors work.
Fantastic! Thanks for showing it to us.
Beautiful! I’m going to my first Convergence this year, I can’t wait to see this in person.
Gorgeous – love how the design turned out!
What an amazing piece of art and creative design. Truly inspirational and so impressive. Thank you for sharing your process as well as the final piece.
Thank you for sharing . Outstanding I am a fan.