Chocolate Feet A friend of mine has a foot fetish, so I made him a pair of Valrhona chocolate feet for Christmas…and boy, did he turn bright red! Chocolate Feet! It all started here. A friend gave me a calendar of French rugby players. ...and I mean hunky ones. Woo! Obviously, a return gift was needed. Well, this particular friend is into feet. Young, naked, lusciously nubile male feet. I searched, and searched, and searched... And I found them. We began with a naked foot. (Yes, we made it shave.) Then we started painting on goop. (Only the finest goop, you understand.) I couldn't resist fondling the feet. They were that sexy. Soon the feet were fully gooped. (This is a special, silicone-based moldmaking material from Douglas and Sturgess>, by the way.) My model insisted on anonymity. "My mom thinks I'm an IT sysadmin...she would die if she found out I was doing sleazy foot porn!" The stuff cured pretty slowly, so a hairdryer was brought to bear... Next we wrapped the feet in thermoplastic... the mold would keep its shape. Proper foot erection was imperative. Then we cut open the thermoplastic "cage"... ...and the goopy stuff... ...and freed the feet. Reluctantly, I sent the young, nubile male foot model home. Then I glued the whole thing back together, tempered some chocolate, and filled the mold. Not just any feet. Valrhona feet. Then I broke it open and unpeeled the mold... It came out beautifully. Soft, velvety texture...incredible detail. Even the toe cleavage was impeccable. Just like the real thing!! The other foot. 1 2 ► Share this post!TweetMoreRedditEmailShare on TumblrPrint