I got notice yesterday that my Kodachrome Jacket won “Best In Show” at the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair! That is super exciting, especially since I hadn’t thought I’d won any prize at all.
(If you missed Kodachrome the first time around, here’s a pic.)

So that was serious cause for happiness.
I have also been reworking my studio floor plan. Thanks to a suggestion from Vibeke Vestby, I have a new studio layout that I like even better than the previous two:

This preserves the amount of shelf space in version #2, and keeps a 2′ space around the looms on every side. It also leaves enough space for yoga and a small photography studio. This works very nicely, so I think I will stick with this layout.I’m continuing to thread the loom, about 150-200 threads per day. It’s slow going because the threads are so fine they’re hard to see/handle, but I’m 37% done with the 2800 thread total. That means I probably won’t finish this weekend. But I still hope to be weaving by the end of August!
The book proposal is almost done – waiting for the final version from the copy editor, and updated photos. The photo shoot for those is scheduled for Sunday, so I should have the final proposal ready Sunday night. And not a moment too soon – my top-choice publisher is interested in seeing it, so it needs to go out soon.
On to employment news. Wednesday was my first official day as a Google employee, so I spent all day at new employee orientation. I now have a new laptop, a “Noogler” propeller beanie, and (of course) the inevitable Google T-shirt. (I believe there’s a legal requirement in Silicon Valley that every new job must come with a company T-shirt.) Here I am, flying both Skybox and Google colors:

The cats are looking pretty silly, too. I’ve decided to start a new series, titled “Cats in Compromising Positions”. Here’s the first installment:

Lest you think Fritz is the only one without feline dignity, the pawparazzi caught Tigress looking silly, too. But you’ll have to wait until the next blog post to see that!