Finally, the “official” photos are back!
I’m debating which of the last two photos to send in as the “detail” view for the Handwoven garment contest. I am leaning towards the first (the hat photo) – it has a pretty good close-up of the neck of the garment – but really like the way the pattern in the second photo just glows.
(These photos, by the way, are the work of uber-talented nature photographer Joe Decker, of Rock Slide Photography. Get in touch with me if you live in the Bay Area and would like him to photograph your work – he does an AWESOME job!)
Later today I’ll write the official “page” for Kodachrome, and post it under “Finished Works”. I will also finish re-hemming the lining, and do the official sewing-in of the label. (That’s the last thing I do when finishing a project – a small ritual that says, “Yes, this is done, and I’m ready to sign it.”)
Woo hoo! On to the next project!