While in Vientiane, I went to Carol Cassidy’s shop, Lao Textiles. Lao Textiles was founded 14 years ago and was the first foreign business in Laos…it produces museum quality textiles designed by Carol Cassidy, based on traditional Lao patterns and woven by some very skilled weavers. They were kind enough to let me take photos in their workshop…they also introduced me to a natural dyer named Dong, who was kind enough to do a natural dye demo for me.

The emerging fabric. Once she finishes this throw of the shuttle, she takes the pattern thread out of the top, reinserts it below the loom, and continues with the next pattern thread.
The beauty of this method is that it allows a given pattern to be reused multiple times--so the weaver need only pick out the pattern once. After that, it's recorded in the pattern-strings and can be transported from loom to loom.
These textiles take a very long time to weave...a highly skilled weaver can weave between 1.5" and 9" in a day, depending on the complexity of the pattern.
...so, a 2-yard piece can easily represent a month of a weaver's time. The end results are glorious, though.