Vietnam photos, from two weeks in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City/Saigon, Hoi An, Hue, Hanoi, and Halong Bay.
For more details of my adventures in Vietnam, read my Vietnam travel blog!
<p>Hoi An --a lovely little city with some very friendly people. At left, possibly the most embarrassing moment in the history of man--I was invited to come to a wedding (I'd never even met the bride/groom), and then, they made me sing.</p>
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These photos are from my trip through Hanoi. One of the hotel clerks in Hanoi invited me to tour his family's farm. So we got on a motorbike and off we went...70 kilometers up to his family's lychee farm, near the Chinese border.
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Hue used to be the capital city, but was largely demolished in the war. I didn't think much of Hue, and only stayed a few days, but I did tour the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). There's almost nothing left there--the tour took on a degree of the surreal at times, as an "American army base" listed on the tour itinerary turned out to be a single rusty tank by the wayside. Scavengers have taken away almost all the metal.
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