…I got laid off today.
Not unexpected, since they’d moved the entire group off to Seattle, the UK, and India, leaving me nothing to do for the last month. It’s been terribly demoralizing being paid to stare at the wall eight hours a day–I would far, FAR rather be paid to do something productive than be paid for doing nothing. And I was already looking at other positions. So at least that part is over.
The three good parts:
(1) I have a very good chance of being placed in the organization. For the next two weeks, I’m still on the payroll, so I have the chance to transfer to another group. I have solid support from some very well-respected people, so my chances are about as good as they can get. I’ve already had one very encouraging preliminary interview. So the chances of my being “re-hired” are very, very good.
(2) The severance package from this company is very, very good. (Insanely good, in fact.) After having worked there for four months, I get nine weeks of severance pay PLUS two weeks on the payroll (during which I don’t have to work)–so if you add it up, I get eleven weeks of severance pay–after only working four months. Wow. Hurt me, baby.
So, I am once again job-hunting, but with far better prospects this time. And with enough money (with unemployment) to carry me through the next ten months, if I need that long to find a job. So I am really cheerful.
What was really great was finding out how many people in the organization like me, and are willing to stand up for me. I think at least 3-4 people must have gone to speak to the VP about me yesterday–spontaneously, without my asking them to. And he is very, very supportive, and very proactive, about helping me find other positions in the company. It’s really nice knowing so many people think well of me–I really hadn’t realized it before. Like they say: it’s only in adversity that you find out who your friends are.
So, I have a few days free at least while I interview, etc. with other areas of the company, and I intend to go do something pleasant. I don’t know what, yet–but I do plan to have fun, go somewhere, etc.
Meanwhile, I have been playing more with this angora mix, and have just about settled on a mix of black angora, 15-micron merino (oooohhhhhh so soft), and silk–shine, softness, and angora fuzz. I think it’s gonna be great.