…and already plunged into things!
I’m almost through my second week of the once-and-future job. It’s kind of cool–I’m helping put together a new sustaining engineering group, but with an eye to turning it into a profitable business. This means I get to do a lot of entrepreneurial type stuff, and set up a new professional services business–not just project management.
Since I already know everyone from my first incarnation, it’s been very fast settling in–more like I took an extended vacation than anything else. (I even have the same office, with same office-mate, and my old notes are still pinned to the wall!)
Of course, just to make things more interesting, the company is moving buildings tomorrow, and there’s a huge reorg in the works. So, much change.
(I’m philosophical about it: if I get laid off, and collect another nine weeks of severance after two weeks at work, I’m going to laugh all the way to Guatemala.)
I’ve also started dating again, but with a twist. I’m poly, and am generally much happier in triads than in couples, so I’m looking for a pair of guys (straight or bi) who are interested in a female partner. This is not the sort of thing you find on Yahoo! personals, of course, and I waxed morose about this for months. Finally my coach got tired of this and shoved me in the general direction of Craigslist, where one can find virtually anything–and lo! I’ve been chatting with a couple pairs of guys, and hopefully will be meeting a couple of them for drinks next week.
(Which would be a major change, since “Men are pigs” has been my guiding mantra for the last three years.)
I’ve also started studying CSS design, with an eye to updating my website. I read through a book until my head was buzzing, then I went to a site with tutorials. Then I tried actually *using* Dreamweaver, and it turns out to be easy as pie. Well, mostly. I’ve been playing around with it for the last hour or so.
The idea is to revamp the website so it’s “cleaner” and also easier to format–right now, everything’s hardcoded and changing things is going to be incredibly painful. I don’t know that I plan to change the format of the site immediately, but I do want to redesign it eventually–so I want to go through and change the structure so it can be redesigned gracefully.
More immediately, though, I want to figure this out so I can (a) post the chocolate feet photos, and (b) post photos from Guatemala/Belize. Hopefully I should be able to do that over the next few days (maybe over the long weekend?).
Oh, and did I mention that I’m going to a cacao growers’ convention in June? My ex is shipping me out there (expenses paid)–he has 180 acres of land in Hawaii and wants to grow cacao on it. So…gosh. I get to meet most of the “names” in American chocolate, learn all about cacao growing, tour some plantations, AND get a five-day, expenses-paid trip to Hawaii…whee!
Speaking of which, I’d better get back to the cacao beans I’m roasting. I brought a few back from Belize, and have been playing with turning raw cacao into chocolate.