Bought and carried off my prize today, and just finished ordering the stuff I’ll need to get weaving on it. A 12-dent reed, a few cones of weaving yarn, and four books on various aspects of weaving. (The latter aren’t strictly necessary, but I like to read up on any new craft before performing it.) Should arrive sometime next week, then I can get on to weaving…of course, then it’ll be chocolate month, so who knows when I’ll actually get around to it?
No, I’ll get to weaving eventually. It’s something that’s interested me for quite awhile, although in the past, I’ve found the theory more entertaining than the reality. Now that I finally have a working floor loom that has enough harnesses to be interesting, we’ll see whether it holds my interest. If not, I’m pretty sure I can sell this Baby Wolf for more than I paid for it, so I’m not too worried. (I like to get all my equipment used, for precisely that reason.)
Saturday I’m going down to Custom Handweavers in search of a few items I couldn’t find on Webs (an online yarn shop) – will also sit down and write some more on the book, which I have been neglecting the last few days. Sunday I’m going by the farmer’s market in Mountain View in the morning, in search of dried apricots and dried pears which are oh-so-yummy when dipped in chocolate.
Saturday evening I’m also going to a party to say goodbye to Lena, who is about ready to return to India. I’m sorry she couldn’t stay with me while she was here, but glad I get to see her before she leaves again. I may be traveling to India in the spring (although that seems increasingly less likely), and if so, I’ll see her again then. It does seem likely that they’ll be back and forth for visits with some regularity. I hope so–I like Lena a lot.
Saturday I may also do some investigation into replacing my marble slab. It’s been with me for something like 14 years now and is pretty scratched up – thinking I may want to replace it before this season’s chocolate extravaganza starts. I’ll probably wind up keeping it, but… *shrug*.
And, of course, either Saturday or Sunday I’ll go out riding. Gotta keep in some semblance of shape, after all. Training season is right around the corner, starts in December.