Wrestled with Photoshop for an hour or two, and managed to get a new photo of myself onto my homepage. Artistically, I don’t like it nearly as much – the other one had a lot more orange in it and matched the text a lot better, plus had more “energy” – but it does save me from the embarrassment of having a homepage photo that’s 13 years out of date (!). Homepage photos should not be old enough to bear children. LOL
Anyway, I may change the photo out in the near future, but that’s what it is for now.
Photoshop is interesting and extremely complex – I am tempted to buy a book on it and learn how to use it properly, but I should live so long as to do everything that looks interesting. Dammitall, life is too short. And there aren’t enough hours in a day. (And what’s with this “sleep” thing, anyway?)
Danny Howard says
Looks nice. If you’re going to redo it, I’d suggest getting something with a macro lens so you come out nice and SHARP. Also, I like GIMP but I’m sure Mike can evangelize that. 🙂
Laritza says
I looked at your webpage. You are an amazing person!
Lovely stories and pictures. Thanks for sharing.