I’m now about 1/4 way through O’Reilly’s Essential Actionscript 3.0 and really enjoying it – it’s a good intro to ActionScript and also to object-oriented programming principles. Looking at the table of contents, I suspect the last 400 pages will be less useful than the first 400, so in some way you could say I’m about halfway through. I’ve also ordered copies of Object Oriented Programming and Actionscript 3.0 Design Patterns, which should arrive on Tuesday. I figure I’ve got maybe a week before I have to start prototyping, so I’m doing the compressed crash course in ActionScript and OOP. I just wish I understood the relationship between Flex objects and ActionScript classes better.
It’s going to be a real challenge building this prototype – the eventual objective is for me to be able to create an interface potentially as whizzy as this Flex-based demo app. Fortunately I don’t have to hook up to databases, or create a particularly robust application – this is just something to show users in our user testing, and to give our developers an idea of what we want the “real” app to look like.
Nonetheless, writing it by myself is going to be a challenge. I look forward to it. 🙂