Eight months after weaving it, I have FINALLY finished the beaded fringe on the tiger eye shawl. I had bought some gorgeous tiger striped lampwork beads from Gayle Herring, and was looking for the perfect beads to complement them in the fringe. On my trip to Maryland, my mom and I went to a bead shop, where I found them: oval onyx beads which, together with some large seed beads, were perfect.
Here are pix of the finished shawl, WITH beaded fringe:
Looks very nice, if I do say so myself. I believe I will wear it for my first day of contracting tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I make progress on the jacket. I have wound the warp, beamed it on, and am halfway through threading it. I’m hoping to get the threading and sleying done tonight, so it’ll be ready to start weaving by the time my contracting gig starts.
I did have a moment of concern when I realized that my stripes were MUCH wider than I had been visualizing – 2.5″ vs. about 1″ – so I ran off to Joann’s Fabrics and bought some test fabric in 2.5″ stripes. (Amazingly, it’s also in almost exactly the same colors as my warp.) I’ve sewn about half of the mockup, and, thankfully, wide stripes look great.
I’ve gotten a couple phone calls from recruiters today, and tomorrow I start my contract gig. Looking forward to it!
it’s exquisite. have a good first day :-).
Stunning work, as usual. I love those beads – what a fabulous match to your shawl colours. Keep up the good work!
This is just beautiful. I’d ;love to feel it.