After another day or two of the cough getting progressively worse, I went to see a doctor. This entailed spending damn near the entire day in UCSF’s urgent care (note to self: next time, find somewhere ELSE) waiting for an appointment, but the net of it is that I’ve got some sort of bacterial bronchitis. They sent me home with antibiotics and two kinds of cough medication, and told me to take it easy. So I’m taking a sick day and will be taking it easy over the weekend.
I have been feeling increasingly depressed about the website project – I’m not sure the wiki will get enough content to be viable, and I’m not sure about the quality of the content. I’m not sure the project gallery will be useful enough to get traffic, either. I might be better off integrating into an existing site, such as, but I’m not convinced they’d be interested. So I’m kind of in limbo.
On the other hand, I’m feeling depressed and listless about just about everything right now, so I’m holding off judgment until I feel better. Some medications make me tired, depressed, and mentally blurry. Codeine cough syrup is one of them. Hopefully in a few days I can stop taking it, and then I’ll feel more optimistic.
Meanwhile, I think I’ll catch up on weaving. It doesn’t require mental effort and I have quite a few yards of warp to go, so it will keep me occupied. I’ve also been reading through Sharon Alderman’s Mastering Weave Structures and while most of it is going over my head, it’s interesting enough that I plan to come back and really study it later.
Oh come on! don’t get down. If nothing else make it into an integrated resource for you I will be the beta tester and then we can go from there. I would love to have a one stop weaving site.