Bonnie pointed out to me that it is possible to weave a 5-end satin on threadings other than straight draw, so now I’m investigating some of her suggestions, like an advancing twill or a network drafted satin. I think for the purposes of this particular outfit, it makes more sense to weave the yardage for the outfit in a “plain” 5-end satin, but since I’m putting on a 13-yard warp there should be quite a bit of yardage left over for shawls, etc., and for those I think it would be fun to play with network drafted satin. So I’m starting to think about that as well.
Meanwhile, I have put the Web project on hold while I try to design this new website for the company I’m contracting for right now. I’ve never designed a complex website before and am finding the whole process a little overwhelming. I have to design the UI, determine and document the behavior of every button on every page, figure out how to integrate with two data feeds, work out the implications of two different data structures/delivery methods in those feeds, AND figure out the process by which this website is administered, sync’ed up with the datafeeds, etc. It’s a much bigger project than I had anticipated, and because I don’t know anything about any of those pieces (except how to create a basic wireframe) it’s a little overwhelming. I think I’ve done pretty well by it so far, but every time I turn around there’s more stuff to do, more things I have to figure out on the fly. This is taking up a huge amount of mental energy and I’m finding myself with not a whole lot more brain left to study PHP, etc. Once I’m over the hump with this project (hopefully in another 2-3 weeks) I can go back to my crash course, I think. Meanwhile I’m going to occupy myself with less left-brain-intensive stuff like knitting and weaving.
It’s fascinating stuff, though. I had no idea that a “simple” website was so complex!
I will be hearing back towards the end of this week from a company who wants a web producer/information architect. I hope they make me an offer! The stuff they’re talking about sounds endlessly fascinating.