Finished the section on PHP and have moved into the databases/MySQL section (page 200 or thereabouts). I won’t pretend to be an expert on PHP but I do have the basic syntax down and can look up the rest. I expect my early attempts to be frustrating and slow, but you gotta start somewhere.
Wove another 3′ on the network drafted jacket and am getting within sight of the end. Difficult right now since I am still fighting off this bronchitis and my inner ear is not quite what it ought to be, so weaving for long periods is making me dizzy. I have to take frequent breaks, which is frustrating.
The study group is rapidly becoming a reality – we have three people so far and a fourth is very likely. I’m pretty psyched about this – I’ve wanted to do a serious look at weaving design for awhile and this will be a great venue to get feedback and push me to think more deeply about it. Bonnie has very kindly offered to help us along with advice, which will be even better! So as soon as we figure out our format, we’ll get started.
Had three interviews (!) yesterday, two of which went really well. I’ve been asked to come back for a full interview today and have one more interview yet to be scheduled, plus a phone screen with OpenTable. I’m cautiously optimistic about landing a permanent position soon.