I’ve been bracing myself for some time now against the sticker-shock of having to buy new cycling shorts. Good cycling shorts are not cheap to begin with, and the brand which I prefer is even more expensive…so when I found last season’s style on sale for $50/pair, my jaw dropped! (Retail for this year’s style is $120, and I have not been able to find it discounted.) I promptly snapped up several pairs and am now fully outfitted for AIDS Lifecycle. This leaves me with several old pairs of cycling shorts, which I am going to donate to a fellow rider I know, who badly needs gear.
I am also donating to her a couple of copies of next-to-current versions of Adobe software. This is mostly stuff I bought while at Adobe thinking I would use it later – why I thought I was going to use a bells-and-whistles, thousand-dollar video editing program when I don’t even own a video camera, I have no idea. She is very poor – “food-stamp poor” is how she puts it – but badly wants to do the ride, so I am sending her the software and whatever cycling gear I can spare so she can raise money for the plane flight to SF (she lives in Michigan, I think), hotel room, bike, etc.
She also needs other stuff, so if you have any cycling gear (women’s size Medium) that you aren’t using, or other things she might be able to sell to raise money, let me know and I’ll put you in touch with her.
Barbara asked about my URL for fundraising. Yay!! You can donate to AIDS Lifecycle/sponsor me here: http://www.aidslifecycle.org/1017. I am trying to raise $6,000 for the San Francisco AIDS Foundation this year, so any donation (even very small ones!) will help!
And if you donate $50 or more, I’ll send you a box of homemade chocolates in November, which is when I make my annual batch of chocolates. I use only Valrhona chocolate (generally considered the best chocolate in the world), and my chocolates have*ahem* been compared favorably to some of the best chocolatiers around. Not too surprising since I spent part of one winter working at Donnelly Chocolates, where I learned most of what I know about chocolatiering from a true master. (If you don’t believe me, order something from them – Richard Donnelly is a genius, and one of the best chocolatiers I’ve tasted (and I’ve tasted lots!).)
I did not make it to the gym this morning, as I woke up too sore (butt and back) to go lifting. I figure I’ll go to the gym tomorrow, thus giving my butt an extra day off the bike, and then do some training sessions indoors. Saturday/Sunday I can hopefully make it out for a 2-hour and 1.5-hour ride, which is all I think I should really tackle right now.
Spent the early part of this morning poring over Alice Schlein’s book on network drafting, and am preparing to put together 5-end satin network threadings and peg-plans for the painted-warp project. It’s tremendously exciting – I’ve never tried working with networked satin before – and I’m looking forward to exploring it further.
And my loom parts arrived today! So I can finally get back to weaving the brown and tan striped jacket fabric. What a relief!
All in all, today’s been a good day.
Barbara says
“And if you donate $50 or more, I’ll send you a box of homemade chocolates in November, which is when I make my annual batch of chocolates.”
I was the lucky recipient of one of these boxes which I hoarded and ate in secret for fear that someone would want one. Ok, my beloved did get one and I think I shared a couple with my favorite nieces – but that’s it.
Thanks again for the chocolate and the opportunity to support you in your fundraising efforts for AIDS research.