I reached my $6000 fundraising goal on Monday night! with the final donation coming from a pair of friends who were visiting from India. I had been chatting with them (catching up from the last year) and mentioned that I was only $50 from my goal. Lena got up, went into the back room, and came out with a $50 bill wrapped in a white kata (the Tibetan equivalent of wrapping-paper), and said, “I want to give you this. Now you’ve met your goal!”
I was really touched – I know they don’t have huge amounts of money to spare, and they also run their own cash-strapped emergency fund for Tibetan refugees – so it was a sacrifice for them to give me that last $50. It was extremely generous of them, and I am grateful.
A few other donations have come in since then, so I am now at $6,210 for this year’s ride. I am extremely grateful to every one of my 53 donors – they are a kind, warm, generous bunch and every dollar is gratefully appreciated. I got donations as small as $5 and as big as $600 – thrilled with every one.
Now that I have met my goal, I am turning my attention back to tutus. I have made some progress on the feathered tutu:
I am still behind in my sewing (and apt to get further behind as I also need to write up a spec for the company I’m contracting for), but am slowly making progress again. I may need to take a day or two off work to sew the last of the tutus, but I am confident that I will get there in time. I may be a slow (or bus-taking) rider, but at least I will be FABULOUS!