I woke up early this morning, meaning I get some quiet time before the day begins. I grabbed the chance to study the articles Bonnie sent me on doubleweave, and feel I understand it much better now. I don’t think I’ll fully understand it until I weave up samples (impatience, impatience, must assemble warping wheel and weave off remaining warp first) – but I do understand some of the theory now.
The fuchsia yarn, it turns out, is drying to a much lighter shade (sigh of relief) so I think I will be fine just using it as it is. So now it’s a matter of weaving off the current warp and winding the warp for the doubleweave samples. I will also need to dye some weft – I think I will do several batches. Black, navy blue, medium gray, light gray, white. Maybe some browns. I can also use some of the warp yarns as weft, which would be interesting as well. I plan to turn as many knobs as I can while weaving this project – using all those different colors and values will give me a better understanding of what happens when you combine different colors! I have read several books on color theory, but so far it’s all, well, theoretical.
Also, dyeing various shades of black will give me a better idea of color strength variation with various percentages of dye – so will teach me something about dyeing as well.
Of course, it will also use up lots of yarn. Good thing cotton is fairly cheap!
I think I will dye more yarn (and do more weaving) this afternoon. The nice thing about doing small quantities of yarn is that I can do it using quart jars in my canning kettle, and do many colors at once. Larger quantities I have to do in the canning kettle or in a bucket, and that takes longer.
And now, it’s almost time to go to the farmer’s market, where they will (hopefully) have dry-farmed tomatoes. These are grown with very little water so they are small but intensely flavorful/sweet. If I can find some I think I will make cream of tomato soup with fresh basil – one of my favorite dishes. It’s hard not to turn into a glutton in the summer – there are so many delicious things to eat!
Jane says
You will love doubleweave. Once you begin actually weaving it, the theory kicks in and it all makes perfect sense. Then beware: your brain will start churning with all sorts of exciting ways to doubleweave, triple weave, quadweave! 🙂