I was still really cranky and stressed out this morning, so after a few hours of me stomping around the house, Mike suggested that I find something fun to do, to relax. He also suggested that I investigatewhy I was being cranky, since this is radically out of character for me. Exercise, stress, seasonal affective disorder…nope. I concluded it was fiber withdrawal. With my loom “in the shop” for another 2-3 weeks (according to AVL), I haven’t been doing anything at all related to fiber or yarn for the last few days/week, and fiber arts is extremely calming for me.
So I ran down to Imagiknit on my lunch break and bought some gorgeous, fun, funky handspun yarn. And knitted myself the following slipper-top:
It was quick, relatively mindless (since I “winged it” on the design and didn’t worry about reproducibility), and oh-so-satisfying to be working with yarn and fiber again. I’m really looking forward to knitting the other one, and putting in the soles. I will have warm feet, FABULOUS slippers, and I will be blissfully un-cranky again. What’s not to like?