I figured out the bust dart, made a few other adjustments, and am just about satisfied with the new muslin:

By and large, things are falling in the right places. I will take a closer look at the sleeves tonight, but I think (hallelujah!) that this will be the last muslin. Tonight, assuming the sleeves are acceptable, I will move on to the “practice” fabric. Woo hoo!
This looks so much better! Just remove some of the cap ease and perhaps try to move the sleeves forward. The grain line should be vertical, but it’s tilted tight now. When we sewed jackets at the sewing and pattern construction course I took, our teacher had us try on the jacket body and the sleeve before sewing on the sleeve, to make sure it would hang correctly.
Your attention to detail is inspirational. The difference between this muslin and the first couple is astonishing!
Oh, this looks much better – very nice line in the side profile. I think you’re right about adding just a bit more ease at the back waist to eliminate the few wrinkles that are left. You might want to think about making the wrist opening a bit larger (to allow for turned cuffs in sweaters and ease) which will also give the arm more of a tube and less of a cone shape (if that makes sense). I love your attention to detail!