I spent all day yesterday fixing my AVL warping wheel (I had broken the counter) and winding the warp for a single warp-painted project. I had hoped to get a lot more done (like, get SOMETHING onto the loom), but had forgotten one basic fact: I work with fine fibers, and I dye all my own yarns, so it naturally takes longer to get things onto the loom than when I was threading up at 20 epi with pre-dyed fibers at Laura’s place. (And just wait until that 120/2 silk comes in!) So it looks like the pace will be slower than I expect. C’est la vie.
Meanwhile, I went over to see Mily (the seamstress) and we did a lot of tweaks to the foundation. To save me money, Mily offered to send me a list of alterations if I sent her photos of the updated muslin, so we’re going to do just that. I have the altered patterns and am going to work on the updated muslin today, in between painting the warp and getting a new one onto the loom. I have an idea for some samples (and maybe a scarf) in white, which means I could use the yarns immediately, while the painted warp is drying.
Off to the gym! This being the 3rd (or maybe even 4th or 5th) day of the rest of my life, it’s time to start getting back in shape. 🙂
Enjoy the gym! There are a lot of “senior” exercise programs offered in our area. For example, I go in at noon MT for 2 hours of weights, cardio and stretching. on Mondays and Wednesdays. It does bite into weaving time though!