Our wedding photographer has been hard at work, reviewing and pulling the cream-of-the-crop photos out for our viewing. It will still be a few weeks before she has the complete set together, but she gave us the proofs for review a day or two ago. Because I’ll need a few photos for the Convergence exhibit, I asked her to send me a few in advance of the full batch. Here they are:
I’m still debating which photo(s) to send to Convergence. I figure I might be able to get one, two at most into the display (if any go in at all, which I don’t know yet). There should really be one of me by myself (showing off the dress) and one of me and Mike (the happy couple). So, one of the first two, and one of the last two. But I really can’t decide. The first photo is the most dramatic (walking down the aisle), the second photo is a better shot of the dress. And I can’t pick between the second two at all.
Given that this would be an exhibit display for a major weaving conference (i.e. Convergence), which photo or photos would you pick? I really haven’t a clue, so thoughts would be most appreciated.
Mike and I have been having fun in Vancouver, despite a twisted ankle that is keeping us from more strenuous activities. But we’ve been to museums, the Vancouver aquarium, the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, a salmon hatchery, and quite a few other places – plus had dinner and some wonderful conversation with some local weavers yesterday night. We fly home tomorrow – and, true to form, our last stop is going to be a well-known chocolate shop. 🙂
Laura says
Doug and I vote for the second of each pair.
The one of the dress shows up much better with the harpist, and the one of you and Mike seated shows off the design in the fabric of both the coat and the ribbon trim. 🙂
ps – sorry about the ankle – I can so relate!
Cynthia Teague says
The same two as Laura, and for the same reasons, though I swear I came to those opinions before reading her comment!
Pat Ho says
I agree with Laura and Cynthia, you with the harpist, and the two of you seated – and for the same reasons.
You look beautiful!
Alison says
Of the first two? Definitely the second one. Not only is it a ”better’ shot of the dress, it’ also much clearer, because of the flatter lighting (no dappled shadows from trees!)
The other two are much closer, but yes, I agree the fabric (especially the ribbon) is better shown off in the second one.
Angela says
I also prefer the second pair (I prefer the angle of the second picture and that your husband is smiling in the fourth).
Sue in MA says
The dress–and coat, too, I presume–will be in front of the viewer at Convergence, so I would choose the last photo of the two of you in a head shot. The happy couple–the double happy couple. Perhaps one of you solo in that gorgeous setting in a photo that we haven’t seen yet.
Laritza says
I vote for the second of each set.
Deanna says
I agree, the second of both sets. In the first set, the dress shows up so well. In the second set you look like a princess…happiness is all over you.
Sandra Rude says
Me too, on all counts. You both look sublimely happy. Congratulations!
Michelle says
Likely, you will have to decide the purpose of including photos in the display at Convergence. Photo 1, especially in large format, not only is dramatic but it shows the fluidity, movement of the coat’s cut, design, and cloth. Photo 2 is static, but details and color are well defined. Photo 3 retains the color quality of photo 2 and in large format shows some detail. Of course photo 4 is most romantic and shows detail well, but is the color correct?
I’d be tempted to straighten and crop #1, crop #2 and 3, before making a decision. Photo 4 is outstanding in part because it is a close-up.
Do you have a wedding photo showing the dress?