I rushed over to the loom this morning and wove up another test section…and then, since weaving test after test really isn’t much fun, plunged into the motif I had done up earlier. It came out well, so at lunchtime I rushed over to the computer and made up another design, the chrysanthemum I’d been toying with, and wove it up as well. Here they are (chrysanthemum top, first crest bottom):

And another view:

The first one has only a single weft on the surface at any given time. In the second one, I got a little bolder – the purple flower petals actually have red AND blue wefts on the surface, producing a blended color.
More later! Gotta get back to work.
wow – these are so beautiful. I love the subtlety of the colors and elegance of the design.
there is a very similar taqueté design in a back-issue of “weaver’s” mag. If you’d like the “wif” to compare with what you’re doing, I have it somewhere. would be glad to send it to you.