While I have not been weaving, I have been busy the last few days with pattern drafting! I discovered a few days ago that I had been drafting off the wrong sloper, so I redrafted the torso foundation and jacket foundation, and added a coat foundation to the mix! (Yes, I am still thinking about completing my cashmere coat.) I then transferred all the foundations to manila pattern paper (aka oak tag, a very heavy paper about the weight of posterboard, useful for designs that will be reused). Then I redrafted the jacket pattern, and am in the process of drafting the coat pattern. I am currently debating the size and style of lapels that I want – previously I had been meekly using what the pattern drafting software suggested, but now, the sky’s the limit!
Here’s a not-very-good photo of the jacket pattern:
This evening I’ll draft the coat pattern (it’s mostly a question of collar and lapels), and then I’ll sew some more muslins, before going to see Sharon on Saturday.
I also plan to finish weaving off the sample warp. It’s coming out beautifully, except I’m having a LOT of breakage of warp threads on the left side. I finally gave up and just pulled out the broken warp threads, so I’ve lost nearly an inch of width. I wouldn’t do that if this weren’t a sample, but it’s saving me from pulling my hair out. I haven’t been able to figure out the cause, but it’s driving me crazy!
Next on the loom will be some samples for my next article in Handwoven, then I can start winding my (gulp!) 37-yard warp for this next series of garments!