Yesterday, after way too long, I finally got back into the studio to do some fiber arts work. I am studying fashion draping, trying to remember the basics that Sharon showed me back in May. I was working out of Hilda Jaffer and Nurie Relis’s Draping for Fashion Design, one of the two definitive texts on the subject, but found the instructions rather terse, not very useful for this novice. So I am switching over to the other text, Draping for Apparel Design by Helen Joseph-Armstrong. It has much more detail and seems more analytical in style, making it possibly a better book for me to learn from. I’m reading through the introductory chapters now, and will make another attempt at draping a basic muslin tonight. I think it will be awhile before I’m comfortable enough to drape an original pattern, but one has to start somewhere, right?
Here is my first muslin attempt, on the right. On the left is the one I draped in my lesson with Sharon:
As you can see, it needs considerable work. Hoping I can do better tonight.