I’ve spent the last two days putting up the website for my blogged book, Creating Craft: A Guide to Designing Original Pieces. I’m pretty pleased with the layout of the website and the various features (contact form, social bookmarking, etc.) that I set up for it. I also set up a Facebook page, but am not planning to publicize it until I have a bit more content there. Right now there are only the basic pages, and my opening post, Why write this book?.
The plan is to write at least three blog posts a week, starting with the Introduction and writing the chapters more or less in sequence – so the first month or so will mostly be about collecting inspirations and gathering/organizing ideas. I’m planning to release posts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at least for now – though I may increase the frequency if I find I can write more. I’m shooting for 300-400 words per blog post – some more, and some less, of course. If you assume a standard book is about 50,000 words, I should be finished in about 140 blog posts, or a bit under a year. Pretty groovy!
I also cross-dyed my katazome, with dismal results. I either didn’t put enough acid into the dye or didn’t steam it long enough, but pretty much all the dye washed out. I will have to redo the dye job. *sigh*
But not until after Monday. I’ve scheduled a photo shoot, complete with makeup, for 2pm Monday. That means the Celtic Braid Coat needs to be done (at least, done enough to photograph) by then. And, of course, it is nowhere near ready. So between now and Monday, I’m going to be paying for this week’s procrastination by working my tail off, trying to get it finished.
Speaking of which, I really should be working on that now…so off I go!
Good start on the book blog. My interest was caught immediately.