By ignoring most of my other to-dos, I’ve managed to thread half the sample:
Today I need to get back to writing and book reviews, but will carve out at least an hour or so to work on threading. It’s going pretty quickly, considering that I’m working with two warps in very fine threads (pattern warp is 80/2 silk and tabby is 120/2). I’m thinking I might be able to finish threading this weekend. Sleying the reed should be quick and easy – 80 ends/inch is four threads/dent in a 20-dent reed, and the groups will be easy to pick out due to the structure. (Summer & winter blocks are four threads, always starting with shaft one.) So I’m hoping to be up and weaving by the end of next week!
Today I also have two parties to attend (and a brunch tomorrow) – more social activity than I’ve had in the past year! (Except Complex Weavers Seminars, of course, which was one nonstop party, at least for me.)
Off to work on the book! I’m getting into the chapter about critiquing your work, and am going to start by outlining my cardinal rules for critiquing and accepting critiques.
Question: What are your ground rules for critiquing and accepting critiques of your work?