I now have my very first web page up and running! So far it’s only the crafts subdirectory page, but it’s tremendously exciting to me – it’s a proof that the template I so carefully built works, and an opportunity to rewrite and reorganize the section, as I had intended (but never got to). So I am excited.
If you are interested in watching the progress of the site, btw, it’s up at redesign.travelingtiger.com. (I created a subdomain of travelingtiger.com as a sort of staging server. Most of the links are not working yet (the only one that works is the image map of “crafts” on the homepage), nor is the top left sidebar – still need to figure out where the links will go and create dummy files. Also need to choose fonts for the text (don’t really like the default Arial), and a host of other minor details. But it is definitely starting to take shape.
Conclusion from all of this: Web design is FUN! I should have tried this earlier.