…I don’t know why I thought they were. But you know, the stuff’s green, it comes in a bottle, you buy the darkest green stuff because that’s what extra-virgin means, and so on.
Not so. I went off and tasted some of the olive oils on offer at the Ferry Plaza farmer’s market, and it’s amazing the difference between them. One was sweet and buttery, one was buttery with a hint of an acid bite, one was very acidic and “grassy”, one was…well, you get the idea. Five or six different olive oils, all completely distinctive. I will never look at olive oil the same way again.
I bought one bottle of the buttery-with-an-acid-bite and one bottle of delicious roasted-garlic infused olive oil, and plan to use it in cooking.
That’s right, cooking. Yes!! The kitchen is usable again, and I have unpacked all my cookbooks (donated 3/4 of them to charity, but I still have two shelves of cookbooks left). Mike, the guy I’ve been seeing, and I both have an interest in cooking, and are both somewhat out of practice at it, so we’re going to try cooking something later this week. I need to look up some interesting recipes in my miscellaneous cookbooks, but at the moment I’m leaning towards something with salmon and wild mushrooms–mostly because I’ve got salmon and I’ve got some interesting mushrooms as well. I stopped by the Ferry Plaza farmer’s market and picked up some pioppini mushrooms, some cinnamon cap mushrooms, and some fiddleheads (fern sprouts). I have three cookbooks on mushrooms, so I’m sure there will be some recipe good for mushrooms to go with salmon. Or maybe we’ll try something else. I don’t know…but I do know that it’s really nice to be around someone else who likes to cook as well. I’m sure we’ll keep each other busy. 🙂