Made both lime jelly and lime marmalade tonight. I was actually planning on making just lime marmalade, but even after two blanchings the peel was unpalatably bitter, and the chopped-up bits of lime innards came out tougher than I’d like. I added pounds and pounds of sugar to it in a bid to make it taste better, but the bitterness was a problem. So I canned four jars of it just to see if it would work, then strained out the rest of the solids to make what I think will be a pretty good lime jelly.
Tomorrow I’m going to make orange marmalade with the Satsuma mandarin oranges. This one I know is going to be tasty, having made it before (during chocolate season). After that I’ll tackle the quinces and make some quince jam, I think. And that will finish canning season, since that will give me more than enough stuff to give away at Xmas. Once I finish those (probably tomorrow), I think I’m going to go back to sewing.
(Weaving is on hold until next Tuesday, when the yarn to weave with arrives from Webs (I’ll still need to skein, dye, wind into balls, and wind it onto the pirns first, of course). Dyeing is on hold until the skeins of embroidery floss are delivered from Herrschner’s, which should hopefully be on Monday. So next week, assuming I continue to be unemployed, will be a busy busy busy week. Of course, if I become gainfully employed – which might just be possible, based on the two interviews I’ve had with various places – it’ll be busy too, just not in as craft-sy a sense.)