Eight or nine hours of obsessive weaving has produced this second “take”. The photos, alas, do not do justice to the depth and saturation of the colors – they’re deep jewel shades that practically glow. But here they are:

And here are the closeups:

I like this a LOT better.
For this variation, I eliminated both the striped background and the progression from 1/3 to 3/1 twills in the pattern squares. Instead, the pattern squares are entirely 1/3 twills, 25% warp and 75% weft showing. This was to maximize the visibility of the color-gradient wefts in the foreground.
I also decided to tone down the color changes in the background, so as not to compete with the foreground for attention. So on the blue/purple side, I made the background a 2/2 twill (50% warp and 50% weft showing). This allowed the blue warp to tone down the color changes a bit, while still leaving them quite visible. Because blue and fuchsia/purple are about equal strength, I “mixed” the colors in equal proportions.
On the gold/orange side, however, I made it a 3/1 twill (75% warp, 25% weft showing) so the gold warp would dominate. Since yellow is such a weak color relative to red, I figured adding even a small amount of red would still shift the color. And that is exactly what happened. I think next time, though, I may try it with 2/2 twill (a 50-50 ratio) – I’d like to see even more reds in the background on the orange/yellow side.
Off to bed! My flight to Albuquerque leaves at 2pm tomorrow and I haven’t even started packing yet. Lots to do tomorrow!