So, Autumn Splendor is (for all intents and purposes) complete. Now what?
Well, a couple of items:
- First, we’re buying a house. I’m reliably informed (by almost everyone) that a newly purchased house is the original time sink. So there may be less fiber arts and more home repair projects in my life this summer!
- Second, I’m going to try getting into shape. I’ve been a dreadful couch potato for the last four years. I’m going to put together a diet and exercise plan to see if I can’t take off 30 pounds and a couple of inches off the waistline.
- Third, I’m going to work on the book. I wrote another 1000 words on the plane yesterday and hope to write another 1000 words on my return trip. I’ve found some structural problems, but have decided simply to write all the things I’d like to say and then figure out how to restructure things to put them in a coherent direction. I don’t need to be organizing right now – I need raw material before I can do that! – so I’m just going to sit down and try to write 500-1000 words per day for the next month or so.
- Fourth, I’m going to weave off the Infinite Warp. Not sure what I’m going to weave, but it will most likely be “just plain yardage”, which will go into the stash or gifted to the sewers in my family.
- And, finally, I’m going to study draping for fashion design. I’m schlepping my dress form up to Sharon’s place this coming weekend, and we’re going to put in a solid day’s worth of work teaching me to drape muslins. I’m really looking forward to learning the basics, so I can play around on my own later.
So yes, there is plenty a-coming, though I expect to take it easy for at least a little while!
Taking easy… yeah, we’ve heard that from you before 🙂