I arrived in Colorado on Wednesday. Thursday I spent four hours in the Fiber Celebration 2014 exhibit as it was being hung, jurying the pieces. It was difficult to choose winners from so much excellent work! There were more items worthy of awards than there were awards to give; third place and honorable mention were particularly agonizing choices. But after four hours, I felt reasonably settled on my choices.
Friday I had the joy of visiting Interweave Press and meeting some of the people who produce Handwoven magazine. Christina Garton, whom I have worked with on several articles, graciously showed me around the offices, and then we went to lunch. And she took a photo of me outside the building:

Friday evening was the opening reception for the exhibit. It was exciting to meet the artists! Since the names were (of course) covered up while I was jurying, I hadn’t had a chance to take in the names of the artists. At the reception, I found out who had created which work, and met some familiar faces and many new ones – a thoroughly enjoyable evening. After that I went to dinner with some of the exhibit organizers.
Here is a photo of the juror exhibit, featuring Kodachrome and Autumn Splendor:

And here is a photo of me in the juror exhibit, wearing my Celtic Braid Cape:

And, finally, here is the juror statement and bio:

Despite all the goings-on, I have made some progress on my square for Josh Coffy’s Intersection Direction project. I’ve embroidered four feathers so far – the camera doesn’t capture the sparkly bits, but you can get an idea here:

The plan is to make every feather a different stitch or stitch variant, and/or use a different combination of threads in each feather.
While I’m enjoying traveling, I must admit I miss Mike and the kittens. It will be wonderful to see this when I come home: