We flew to Maryland today, and arrived uneventfully. Before we left, of course, there was the usual hectic packing, with heroic felines volunteering to help at every turn:

I had a little bit of time before we left for the airport, so I started setting up the inkle loom. Of course, the ever-helpful felines had to assist with that as well – sadly, I did not get a photo of Tigress chewing on/shredding the cone of white 10/2 cotton (mostly because I was too busy rescuing it from her!), but this will give you some idea of the abundance of feline assistance:

I didn’t get much done besides tying some heddles before leaving for the airport, but while at the gate for our connecting flight, I managed to get the Ashford Inklette half warped. And, as it transpired, we had a seat in an exit row, meaning I had enough space to continue working on the plane.
Here’s a photo of the fully warped loom:

I warped up with a mix of red beaded yarn and red, white, and green 10/2 cotton. After doing a little debugging, I wove the first few inches:

The beads turned out to be moderately challenging – an inkle warp is quite dense (inkle bands are a warp-faced fabric), so the beads were catching on adjacent threads, and caught on the heddles whenever I advanced the warp. They slowed things down somewhat, but otherwise worked out just fine.
After about six inches, I got bored with straight-up inkle weaving and decided to try my hand at pickup:

So far I’m only doing pickup with the unheddled threads, but tomorrow morning I plan to try doing more complex patterning. While I do plan to focus on the book in my bits and pieces of free time, the inkle loom will be great for times when I don’t have the mental focus for writing, or just want to enjoy working with my hands.
Merry Christmas! I’m curious, what did the flight attendants think? They must have enjoyed seeing a passenger weaving during the flight.
I think they were fascinated and curious, but I was concentrating intently so they didn’t bother me. But as I was deplaning, one of them asked me if I’d finished my project! 🙂
Tien, I’m sure that you probably have a full schedule this trip. But the next time you’re in Maryland, let me know and we’ll get together and have some fiber fun. And by the next time you’re here, you should be able to see my automated harness lifter on my loom. I’m working out how to make it “Go” right now.