Spring has sprung!
One of the benefits of living in a mild climate is that spring arrives early. So for Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d offer some flowers to those of you still struggling with snow…

I am particularly and absurdly happy about the violets. I know you East Coast folks are probably rolling your eyes, wondering what’s so special about something that grows so abundantly around you. But violets are tricky to grow in my area – they like shade and humidity, both of which are in short supply around me. On the other hand, I am inordinately fond of violets – I grew up on the East Coast and some of my fondest memories are of the little violet patch behind the house where I spent my childhood. So I asked Mike to set up a little violet garden in a shady patch, with misters to provide the required humidity. My patch of violets is tiny, but I smile every time I pass them.
I understand violets… If I could only get Lily of the Valley to take in my shade garden, I too would be insanely happy… 🙂
Alas… Texas isn’t the mid-Atlantic…
Thanks, Tien – it will be at least 2 more months before any wildflowers show up in NW lower MI 🙂 We might have a few crocuses before then, but most of ours died two winters ago when the temps got below -20F. This winter has been very mild on the whole, though, so maybe a few bulbs will show up early…
Thanks I needed that. Its warm here this week but everything is brown.