It has just dawned on me (rather belatedly) that I don’t have to do a single color transformation across the entire width of the shawl. Once I dye the 24 colors, I can put them in whatever sequence pleases me – a single gradual color transformation across the entire shawl, or a stripe of fuchsia-fading-to-blue-to-fuchsia on each side, or…the sky’s the limit, really. At 44 epi it will take me about 1/2″ to do a full transition, but other than that I can do anything I want.
So, for example, this is what I had originally contemplated:
But there’s no reason I couldn’t do, say, this:
Or any other interesting sequence of “fades” that tickles my fancy. I could put more purple into it, too, or add long stripes of a color that tickles my fancy, or… ANYTHING!
I am going to think about this verrry carefully tonight…because I think what I will wind up doing is using a network drafted threading with motifs that coincide with color changes. “Liquid Fire” pales in comparison to what I *could* create, if I got the warp color changes harmonized with motifs in the threading/draft… must play around with Fiberworks and Photoshop!
To quote Calvin (& Hobbes), “This is so exciting I think I have to pee!”
Peg in South Carolina says
Isn’t it fun when something hits you in the head like that?! And you are suddenly not bored (for the moment at least……) with network drafting! This is indeed exciting and would certainly send me to the bathroom to pee!!!!