I’ve sat down to write a blog post several times in the last few days and just haven’t had the heart for it. My wonderful cat, Sweetheart, who has slept cuddled up to me every night for the last fifteen years, has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer. The vet gives her 0-3 months to live, and of course we don’t know what the quality of life she’ll have during that time. The prospect of having to put her to sleep fills me with dread, but we also love her and don’t want her to suffer. We’re meeting with the vet tomorrow, to get more details and discuss our options. It’s heartbreaking.
The funny thing is that I always expected her to outlive The Fuzz (our other cat). He’s nineteen and a half, and in frail health due to irritable bowel disease, which almost killed him three years ago. She’s fifteen and a half, but I’ve always thought of her as a young cat, if only in comparison to the Grand Old Man. And Sweetheart is my special kitty…she insists on sleeping on me at night (and will cuddle up to Mike only as a last resort, if I’m out of town), gets me up every morning at 5am to feed her, orders me about, and generally insists that I am her one and only human. She’s been an affectionate, loyal, and wonderful kitty, and nothing and no one can replace her.
I haven’t much else to say, so I’ll leave you with two photos of my beloved cat:
Karren K. Brito says
Sounds like she has had a wonderful life with one special human and others that care too.
In this time of abundant cats, many never have anyone to care for them, much less their whole life. She is one of the lucky ones. But they sure do get entangled in our heart strings, must be all that kneeding they do.
Sandra Rude says
She’s had a wonderful life, and deserves to be remembered at her best. It’s hard, but you have to let her go. I’ll be thinking of you, and of her.
Laura says
It is heartbreaking to face the decision to let her go gracefully. We had to do that with our dog. Fortunately the vet came to the house – a blessing given Haida was unable to make it down the stairs to the back door or into the truck on her own. 🙁
Our thoughts are with you.
Alison says
Ohh, I am so sorry to hear this. Helping a beloved animal to pass from this world when it is time is one of our greatest privileges, the greatest act of selfless love. Of course it will hurt – but you will know when, and will know that it’s right.
KathleenC says
I am so very sorry for your sad news. I have faced the same decision and I do understand your pain and concern.
The vet will give you the best information. And you will know when it’s the right time.
She is a well loved, and a very lucky kitty to have had you.
Cynthia Teague says
Oh, Tien, I’m so sorry for you and for Sweetheart.
terri says
i’m so sorry to hear this–but i know you’ll make the decision that’s right for you and for sweetheart…
Sheila says
What a lovely cat. The others have already said it better. But I’ve been there too. My warmest thoughts are with you both.
PattiHN says
I’m so sorry to hear about Sweetheart. She sounds like a wonderful, comforting, loving creature, too, of whom you’ll always have wonderful memories.
Ann says
Take the lesson I learned from a dear cat. Remember that Sweetheart, right now, is still living.
It’s easy to think of your dying cat–and to treat her like she’s dying. Holding her, crying, that tight whisper of her name, knowing the hopelessness.
Better to treat her like she’s living–play with her, cuddle her, laugh with her. Love her while you’ve got her. You’ll have plenty of time for mourning later. For now, there’s still joy.